Psalm 34:12 Which of you desires life, and covets many days to enjoy good? The LORD Jesus said in the book of John that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Humanity was created in the image of God. ELOHIM breathed in the nostrils of humanity which caused us to become living souls in Adam. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 118:17, “I will not die, but live, And tell of the works of the LORD.” It's like Psalm 34:12 is the question and Psalm 118:17 is the answer to how one knows they are truly living. As I reflect upon these verses, I resoundingly say that I do desire to live and I desire to live the abundant life that my Savior offers to me through His birth, blood, death, burial and resurrection with all power. I am increasingly becoming clear on what life exactly is.
Psalm 34:11 Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. The writer of this passage in the psalm is confidant in their ability to instruct another on how to deeply reverence the LORD. I think this is a strong statement and there is a lot to live up to for one to say this. I believe that someone’s life can best instruct another on how to fear the LORD. I envision that teaching someone to fear the LORD requires much humility and integrity and spiritual fruit. As I reflect on this passage and the principles that have been taught in this psalm, I can see how teaching someone the fear of the LORD involves teaching them to pray and seek the LORD with all diligence. I think it also involves stressing to someone that being pure of heart is also integral to communing with ELOHIM to receive and live with the fear of the LORD. In 2015, I wrote a book called, Prayer BLUEprint™: The Experience, to provide basic understanding regarding prayer and to share part of my testimony.
Psalm 34:10 The young lions suffer want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. When I consider today’s passage I think about the lack of maturity in a young lion. I remember seeing a documentary that followed a lion pride. The oldest lioness led her younger female companions in greeting a young lion because in their youth none of them knew what to do to establish their pride. Through her experience and wisdom the oldest lioness was able to show the other adult lions in the pride how to survive and protect themselves from other lions external to their pride who may attempt to take over the pride (which involved killing any young cubs because the lion would only want his progeny). As I reflected on this passage tonight, I saw how I have not always been respectful of mature leaders around me for various reasons. Psalm 34:9 O fear the Lord, you his holy ones, for those who fear him have no want. It’s so interesting to know just how much Psalm 34 talks about the fear of the LORD. Truly, the only thing or person that anyone should fear is ELOHIM who is able to not only destroy the body, but also the soul. More importantly, the Almighty’s majesty, love, truth, splendor and glory certainly position me and others to fear the LORD. When I think of the fear of the LORD, I consider it to be a deep reverence for God. This fear is not paralyzing like the fear of the enemy or the fear of man or the fear of the unknown. This fear is sobering and it causes one to be in awe of the character, knowledge and ways of ELOHIM. I believe that I can benefit from more of the fear of the LORD. I desire a deeper walk with the LORD for a stronger relationship between me and my Beloved. I desire to seek the LORD’s face, not the hand of the LORD. I believe the difference is knowing... Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him. I remember growing up listening to a gospel song by the Pace Sisters. They sang and compared the goodness of the LORD to various pop culture items. For example, they adlibbed during a bridge of song “Jesus Loves Me” that the LORD is better than Coca Cola because “He is the real thing.” This song which was common to the Black Church in the 90’s helped the Body of Christ to understand that God is relatable, but to experience the LORD one must taste and see. I can attest just like the biblical author that the LORD is sweeter than the honey on the honeycomb. Losses, challenges and triumph can all lend themselves to knowing that the LORD is good. I have experienced many losses and challenges, some of which were due to my conduct. Pain like the loss of a child or divorce or recovery from childhood trauma can be debilitating or numbing. I had to fight many days, but I am grateful for the season of peace and training and instructing that I am in. One thing that has remained the same since I was a young child is that I have found refuge in the LORD. Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. I have experienced angelic activity on a few occasions, and it is truly something to behold. I recall two times that I experienced angelic activity involving an angel clapping their wings above my head. There was such peace in those moments even though the circumstances were troublesome due to marital conflict. Nonetheless, it is comforting to know that the messengers that do the bidding of the LORD at the Word of the LORD will come to minister to you. Moreover, it is awesome to know that the LORD encamps around those who reverence ELOHIM. Believers can at times not be conscious of the manifold benefits given to us. Through communion with God, worship, the declaration of the Word of the LORD and expectation, one can encounter the divine. It is also true that by the grace of God one can do none of these things mentioned and still encounter the divine. However, I am grateful knowing that as I daily submit to the LORD that I live in a hedge of protection from my enemies. Psalm 34:6 This poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord, and was saved from every trouble. I recall a few years ago, a family friend shared that she had a dream and one of my loved ones wasn't well, my loved one had surgery and shortly after died. This friend of the family shared has a prophetic gift so this dream negatively impacted one of my family members that learned of the dream. I was irritated that my family member would be so passive regarding the meaning of the dream. I remember taking a moment to calm myself before telling my family member, “God reveals to heal. Every dream or vision is not final. There are some things that can be arbitrated or terminated through intercession and prayer. Therefore, our job is not to accept this dream as a forthtelling of what is to come. Our job is to pray for the protection and wellbeing of our loved one who is unwell.” Afterwards, I began to cry out to God (i.e. pray and petition ELOHIM) concerning my loved one. I obtained peace regarding my loved one's life and wellbeing and felt as though the trouble had passed. Are you concerned about a loved one? Perhaps your concern references the age or health of a loved one. I can relate. Psalm 34:5 Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed. I had a very lively discussion today (11/14/2019) with classmates regarding knowing who we are in order to know others well. Obedience to God and to others came up during the conversation and someone advised that they are uncomfortable with the word obedience. I was aware of the situations and people that I easily obeyed versus those that I contested. There are many contexts in which obedience can be uncomfortable for someone. However, it is something that I believe needs to be taught and expressed well so this powerful principle can be restored in our society in the USA. Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. I’ve been on an intentional quest of maturity spiritually, emotionally and socially. For the last 3 years, I’ve been stretched in so many ways and I learned that I have a lot of growing to do. I remember back in 2019 I experienced a tinge in my heart after seeing a friend begin a relationship with an accomplished eligible bachelor. Truthfully, I looked at a snapshot of their reality and did not have the full view of their experience. This was a tugging undercurrent for about three days. After three days, I took some time to ponder what I was feeling. I received clarity that I was experiencing envy. Psalm 34:3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. In 2016 I decided that I needed to heal. “Trauma is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to heal.” I’ve said this before and there are moments when this pithy statement is not what you want to hear and it is not what you want to live out. On Friday, October 25, 2019, I attended a mediation that was significant to my healing and reconciliation. At the end of the meeting, I openly gave thanks for our obedience in coming together to talk and to pursue ELOHIM for clarity on how to live out reconciliation. I faced the pain and anger and disappointment within in me and chose what to magnify and what to exalt. This is part of my healing. I'm still working through my thoughts and feelings and actions towards reconciliation that God ordains. It's a process that sometimes I do not understand. Yet, I'm resigned to live out my process in peace. I find peace in focusing in on the following: |
AuthorWords of wisdom to live by from our Senior Leader, Bishop Earnest E. Robinson, Sr. and other guest writers. Archives
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