On Resurrection Sunday, the seven-mile walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus village was sad, confusing, and perplexing for Cleopas and his friend who were disciples of Jesus Christ. Earlier that morning, they heard that a group of women who visited Jesus' tomb found the stone rolled away, his body missing, and two angels in dazzling white garments! The angels asked the women, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead. He is not here. He is risen from the dead. Do you remember what he told you while you were in Galilee? The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise to live again. Then they remembered his (His) words." (Luke 24:5-8) Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and other women rushed out of the tomb and reported what they saw and heard to the apostles and to the rest of the believing community. Their report seemed to them as idle tales. The Greek word for idle tales, in this case, is leros, which is a medical term meaning delirious, out of touch with reality. The apostles did not believe them (Luke 24:9-11). According to John 20:3-9, apostles Peter and John ran to the tomb to investigate the women's resurrection report and found the empty tomb. John arrived first and looked in the tomb but did not go in. Then Peter arrived and entered the tomb. He saw the napkin that was used to wrap Jesus's head lying in one place and the linen clothes used to wrap his body lying in another and Peter was skeptical. A little later, John entered the tomb, saw the same grave clothes and empty tomb and he believed. In verse nine, apostle John explained why it was difficult for the apostles to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. He said they were unaware of the Old Testament prophecies that foretold the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (Psalms 16:10, Hosea 6:2).
It is difficult to understand the apostle’s unbelief because when Jesus personally taught his death, burial and resurrection, he quoted scripture from the old testament. As the Son of God, Jesus gave them power and authority to practice driving out evil spirits and to heal all disease and sickness. These training and practice sessions prepared them to preach and teach the gospel first to Israel and then all the world (i.e. the Great Commission). Today, Christians are responsible for preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to make disciples for the Lord’s church. Studies prove that some professing Christians and unbelievers do not believe the resurrection, a critical component of the Gospel, which is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ). In Mark 1:15 (NIV) Jesus said, “The time has come, The Kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe the good news.” In summary, if the resurrection was important for the apostles to start the church, it is critical now for us to continue making disciples until Jesus comes for us. Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Have you received Him as your Savior and LORD? Are you using the power and authority that God has given you? I would love to share more with you that will help you grow spiritually. Please comment below and let me know what you need to know more about for your spiritual growth. Bible Way Church and I bid you the blessings of God. We love you! We're ready for you to come and join us in worshiping Jesus Christ our Lord. WE WILL SEE YOU SOON. ___ Bishop Earnest E. Robinson, Sr.
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AuthorWords of wisdom to live by from our Senior Leader, Bishop Earnest E. Robinson, Sr. and other guest writers. Archives
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